Get involved

While InnerTuba is a one man show, it is by no means a solo effort…

There are several ways in which you or your organisation can join the happy band of InnerTuba’s supporters. Here are some ideas:

You can pay InnerTuba to perform at yours, or someone else’s venue – this is the simplest suggestion !

You can supply equipment – such as musical instruments, a trike, clothing, outdoor expedition kit and multi media equipment – those sorts of things. InnerTuba has much of this now, but there’s always a “wishlist” !

You can contribute to major touring expenses – to cover, for example, flights, airfreighting, insurances, visa fees – those sorts of things.

You can provide a service – like repair a musical instrument, fabricate a trailer body, compose a piece of music, or give professional advice freely.

solonggilmour         Composer Willie Gilmour “Got involved”.  Thanks Willie, for your beautiful piece, “So Long” which we recorded together on 8th September 2016:

Please look at your unique skillset, and feel free to contact InnerTuba to share ideas.  Thank you !